
Khikhvi Qvevri orange dry wine is made from grapes of the same variety, grown in the Kistauri microzone (Kakheti). Wine is created according to the classical technology of making Georgian dry white wines, when fermentation and aging take place in qvevri – clay jars traditional in Kakheti winemaking. The wine is aged in qvevri for at least 6 months.

Wine Details

Wine Type: Table wine, White, Dry

Year of Harvest: 2022

Alcohol: 12.0%

Region: Kakheti region

Sort of Grapes: 100% of Khikhvi

Productivity: 7 tons per ha

Wine Characteristics

Color: Succulent amber-coloured wine

Aromas: The wine displays a vibrant aroma woven from apricot, peach and honey notes

Palate: The taste of the wine is juicy, rich, with a creamy texture, notes of dried fruit and a long aftertaste