
Kisi Qvevri orange dry wine is made from grapes of the same name, grown in the Kistauri micro-zone (Kakheti). Wine is created according to the classical technology of making Georgian dry white wines, when fermentation and aging take place in qvevri – clay jars traditional in Kakheti winemaking. The wine is aged in qvevri for at least 6 months.

Wine Details

Wine Type: Table wine, White, Dry

Year of Harvest: 2022

Alcohol: 12.0%

Region: Kakheti region

Sort of Grapes: 100% of Kisi

Productivity: 10 tons per ha

Wine Characteristics

Color: Juicy amber wine

Aromas: The wine displays a vibrant aroma woven from apricot, peach and honey notes

Palate: The taste of the wine is juicy, rich, with a creamy texture, notes of dried fruit and a long aftertaste